Some breakthrough initiatives

Resilient Coasts Canada Platform: Stephanie Chang
"Resilient-C" facilitates knowledge and resource sharing between coastal communities to support hazard risk reduction. It helps identify similarly vulnerable peer communities, and relays their risk reduction actions. The platform currently includes 170+ coastal communities and 3500+ risk reduction actions from across Canada.
Transforming Cities from Within: Maggie Low and Lindsay Cole
Grounded in foundations of collective thriving and ecosocial justice, TCFW is a space for ongoing learning, practicing, and connecting for innovators working in, with, and alongside complex challenges in the public sector such as climate change, systemic and structural oppression, ongoing colonization, and many others.

Machine Learning to Study Immigrant Renting: Julia Harten
A growing share of immigrants to Canada are renting, but rental markets present unique research challenges. The vast majority of this research considers dominant-language rental platforms only. Harten leverages machine learning to study immigrant renting via multilingual sources to bridge this knowledge gap.