SCARP student Hussein Elhagehassan wins CIP's Outstanding Graduating Student Award

Hussein presenting to the Dean
The Canadian Institute of Planners' Planning Student Trust Fund has now announced they have awarded SCARP student Hussein Elhagehassan with their Outstanding Graduating Student Award!

What is the Outstanding Graduating Student Award?

The Canadian Institute of Planner's Outstanding Graduating Student Award is bestowed upon one graduating student from each accredited undergraduate and postgraduate planning program in Canada (such as SCARP), who has demonstrated an outstanding contribution to their future profession. This contribution may be assessed through a wide range of contributing factors, including academic and extracurricular contributions.

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What's the Canadian Institute of Planners?

Maple-leaf shaped building in green cube

The Institute is a member-based organization which advocates for planners nationally and internationally, and provides a number of membership services.

Being a student in SCARP, an accredited planning program, makes you more eligible to join in on many of these services!

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About Hussein

Hussein Elhagehassan is a soon-to-graduate student of SCARP's accredited Master of Community and Regional Planning program, and during his time here he's accomplished much and meant a lot to his fellow students. 

As a first-year student he became president of SCARP's Planning Student Association, where he not only represented student interests but created a rekindled sense of community, momentum, and possibility among the student base.

His leadership, charisma, and optimism have become a sustained part of the SCARP community even as he passed his torch.

During his second year, Hussein, along with fellow students Rudi Ballard and Stephen Jordan, partnered with UBC-Okanagan in their Planning Studio project, "Climate adaptation, resilience, & biodiversity (CARB) strategy". 

Hussein is now preparing to enter the broader world of professional planning, though as an alum, and for everything he's already done, he'll always be an integral part of the SCARP community.

Congratulations Hussein! 

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