June 7, 2024
Last December, we celebrated that SCARP student Chris French (alongside two of his peers) each won funding by the Fondation J. Armaund Bombardier's Sustainable Transportation fellowship for compelling research projects. The report is officially a product of Leading Mobility Consulting, who calls the report French authored "the first national comprehensive report on transit operating funding".
French, now a SCARP alum, is excited to share that his award-winning report, which he also wrote for his SCARP capstone, has been released to the public!
The report is available online, and already several news outlets have picked up this story for its insights into the challenging world of public transit planning.
More details about the report and its significance
Stories in the news about it:
Chris French nowadays works at TransLink as an Area Transport Planner, and is a member of the Canadian Urban Transit Association's Young and Emerging Leaders Subcommittee.