UBC Thrive: UBC's month celebrating and supporting mental wellness

Diverse people congregating around a physical word "thrive"

UBC Thrive is November 1-30, 2022

What is Thrive?

Thrive is a time when we come together as a UBC community to learn about, talk about, and explore ways to support our mental health. The last few years have brought unprecedented challenges and complexities that have impacted the mental health of our community, and now more than ever, it is important that we support one another in building positive mental health and creating opportunities for meaningful social connection. 

Help stop the stigma and start having conversations. Mental health and wellness is a topic for everyone, a journey for everyone. This November, learn about, talk about and explore ways to support mental health year-round.

With a focus this year on Learning to Thrive Together, and increased funding through Thrive Grants for student-, faculty- and staff-led initiatives at UBC Vancouver campus, this year’s Thrive will encourage and promote a more community-led mental health literacy campaign. 

Help us stop the stigma as we start having conversations, both comforting and challenging. This November, learn about, talk about and explore ways to support mental health year-round.

Visit the Thrive Events Calendar for events created by the UBC community for the UBC community. Stay tuned leading up to and during Thrive as partners continue to add their events. Is your group, unit or department planning an event? Add it to the Thrive Calendar here.

Next Thrive event coming up: "Thrive by the Fire"

Start your Thrive journey at Thrive by the Fire on Nov. 2 from 11 am- 2 pm at Lee Square (outside the UBC Bookstore) for live music, cozy fireplaces and a resource fair to help us learn about, talk about, and explore ways to support our mental health together. 

Thrive by the Fire is hosted by @utownubc (part of Campus + Community Planning), in collaboration with @blankvinylproject and @ubcwellbeing'


As UBC students, students are welcomed to access a suite of resources and tools regarding mental health among many others. Take a look at what that looks like, but also know that mental health and wellness can also be a community undertaking. 

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