Introduction to Large Language Models
10:00am - 11:30am
A foundational understanding of LLM, their working, and how to fine-tune a pre-trained LLM for your own data.
Race-Making and Immigrant Rights in the U.S. South
UBC's Centre for Migration Studies hosts Associate Professor Jennifer A. Jones of Northwestern University, presenting "Organizing for Inclusion? Race-Making and the Quest for Immigrant Rights in the U.S. South", and a workshop (register separately).
OPPI workshop: introduction to project management
12:00pm - 3:00pm (+2 days)
The Ontario Professional Planners Institute is hosting this two-session virtual workshop, elaborating on how to structure, plan, and implement a project.
Andrea Reimer's workshop on effective climate advocacy
12:30pm - 1:30pm
This former Vancouver city councillor and current UBC Adjunct Professor discusses identifying decision-makers, crafting the ask, and gathering support to get the deal done in climate advocacy.
Urban China talks: China's Property Market
This internationally recognized MIT/UBC/Harvard Urban China Talk Series hosts many voices from the interdisciplinary community of scholars studying urban China, whether locally or internationally.
PLAN Canada webinar: housing supply
PLAN Canada, the official magazine of the Canadian Institute of Planners, is hosting the authors of recent articles to elaborate on their insights, this time including SCARP's Adjunct Professor Emilie Adin.
Conversation on political polarisation and climate misinformation in Canadian politics
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Co-hosted by the Climate Solutions Research Collective and the Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions during Climate Emergency Week.
Political polarisation and misinformation in politics
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Insights regarding researching ideological polarization with respect to climate change and climate misinformation in Canada.
UBC Graduate Student Society research mingle
4:00pm - 6:00pm
To foster interdisciplinary research exchanges among graduate students through lightning talks and group discussions that aim to ignite lasting connections.
Planning for rural, remote, and Indigenous communities - call for presenters
12:00pm - 1:30pm
SFU is hosting the next (virtual) student-led lunch-and-learn for PIBC's Academic Liaison Sub-Committee. You can submit a request to be one of its presenters here.
Bachelor of Urban Studies applicant infosession
Thinking about enrolling in our Urban Studies undergrad? Have you already started but have questions about your application? Join faculty and staff for any questions you have about the process or about their keen insights.
OPPI workshop: ethics and professionalism for Planners
3:00pm - 4:30pm (+2 days)
The Ontario Professional Planners Institute is hosting this two-session virtual workshop about what it means to practice Planning in an ethical manner.
Applying to grad school at UBC
This session will break down the graduate school application at UBC, explain the process and key application elements, provide some tips on strengthening your application, and answer your questions.
PIBC webinar: affordability
9:00am - 11:30am
PIBC represents networking, knowledge, skills, and RPP certification, and many PIBC events earn points towards certification. This time: policy unintentionally makes it difficult to design denser housing that supports social connection and wellbeing.
Career Planning using Designing Your Life Principles
10:00am - 11:30am
Reframe career challenges as opportunities for growth and discovery, prototype multiple career pathways to uncover possibilities that align with interests, skills, and values, and apply design-thinking principles to navigate career decisions.